Bagdad’s Baddest BBQ

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Register online or pay at the door. Each person will receive a plate for food and (3) colored raffle tickets for voting in each category. In addition to the competition food, there will be beverages and dinner rolls provided. Brin your own beer and lawn chair! There will be food, fun and games.

Adults – $5.00
Children (under 18) – $2.00
2 and under – FREE

Ticket Sales:

Team Registration:


Event location opens as early as 8am for BBQ Set up. BBQ can be made at the park, but all sides and desert must be made ahead of time. Each dish must be able to supply 50 SAMPLE SIZE portions for voting.

Food Categories:

BBQ – grilled or smoked meats
Side Dishes

Teams: made up of 1 to 4 people

Entry Fee – $10 for a team of 1 and $20 for a team of 2 to 4 people
Register Online
Deadline – 2 weeks before event date
Teams must focus on one food category

Cash Prizes

BBQ Category:

1st Place Winner – $200
2nd Place Winner – $100

Sides and Deserts Category:

1st Place Winners – $100
2nd Place Winners – $50

People’s Choice:

$100 for each Category Winner

Download the event flyer here!

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United Way Logo
Location: 1678 Oaklawn Drive, Ste. A Prescott, AZ 86305
Phone: (928) 778-6605

Monday to Thursday 9am – 4pm
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